2024 Career Fair
2024 Career Fair

The NAB Leadership Foundation Career Fair returns to Manhattan this fall and will be held in person at NAB Show New York. Taking place on the show floor, this will be a unique opportunity for job seekers and employers alike to meet each other, benefit from education and discover new technologies and products all in one space.

A ribbon of interviewer and interviewee images from the 2023 Career Fair
A ribbon of interviewer and interviewee images from the 2023 Career Fair

NABLF Career Fair
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Room: 3D08
Students, early career professionals and anyone seeking a new path in the broadcast industry are welcome to attend. Get resumes in the hands of people making and influencing the hiring decisions. Speak directly with recruiters and representatives from local television and radio stations and media ownership groups.

event Thursday, October 10, 2024
pin_drop Javits Center

Job Seekers

The career fair is free for student attendees. You must register for NAB Show New York and use code: CAREERFAIR24. When prompted, select “Attendee.” Registration includes free access to the Exhibit Hall.

Click Here to Register »

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Participating organizations


If you are looking to hire for your station or organization, please contact Tim Dotson at tdotson@nab.org.


Unique sponsorship opportunities are available for interested employers. Please contact Tim Dotson at tdotson@nab.org.